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You are loved and
valued beyond measure
Samaritan enables you to set goals around your housing and health, and then access a team of supporters to help you meet those goals.
By the numbers…
volunteer samaritans signed
up to support you
By the numbers…
invested into our
Samaritan Members
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your care provider
members who’ve reached housing,
employment or other goals
You matter deeply
When you don’t have a home, it can be hard to find what you need to move forward. Maybe 'No' is the most common word you hear in a given day. Perhaps you see people pretending you don’t exist, or that they’re too busy to lend a hand.
We are truly, truly sorry.
There are 15,210 samaritans in Seattle
who want to help share your burden
Everyone needs a team. If you could use one, ask a care provider you know about helping you sign up for Samaritan.
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